Call for Works for the
First “Asian Youth” Tourism Photographic Art Exchange

Culture and art are the ties that bind Asia together, as they transcend ethnic boundaries, penetrate the soul and communicate ideas, foster a greater understanding and appreciation of one another’s cultures, and contribute to the formation of an Asian cultural system characterized by “integration and pluralist unity.” This event aims to foster “cultural exchange, artistic collaboration, mutual learning across civilizations, and a shared future.” For young Asian photography aficionados, the event employs a “lens” to link participants to works, hearts to works, and themes on “joint exhibition, exchange learning, and collective creation,” establishing a platform for Asian youth photography and art exchanges beyond time, space, and borders. The event will expand Asian youths’ opportunities and abilities to participate in photography and art exchanges,Promoting tourism by raising the awareness of youth population about Asia’s culture and tourism resources.Prosper the shared artistic cause of Asian youths, foster friendship among Asian youths through shared interests and hobbies, and cultivate the next generation of “mutual introduction, mutual hospitality, mutual acquaintances, and mutual trust,” who will join hands to create a community of shared future in Asia and promote friendship and long – lasting peace in Asia for generations to come.



Connection between cultures and arts, among learning between civilizations and sharing of the future.


📌Collecting works from

Asian Youth (15 to 35 years old)



Young photography enthusiasts in Asia are invited to participate in a transnational photographic art exchange activity across time and space with the content of “joint exhibition, exchange learning and joint creation”. In the activity, the youth may take “lens” as the media, meet friends and communicate with them through works.



Providing the opportunities for Asian youth to communicate about photographic art, to appreciate Asian culture through the art of photography and prospering the cause of youth art in Asia. Promoting tourism by raising the awareness of youth population about Asia’s culture and tourism resources.



September 30 to December 20, 2021 (Beijing Time)


📌Award announcement date

April 1, 2022 (Beijing Time)


(1)Photo works: Photographs of specific themes of humanity and nature;
(2)Video works: Videos of specific themes related to Asia;

📌Requirements for works

(1)Photo Group: Contributions are required to include a set of photos (3-8). The works are shot around specific humanistic and natural themes, including but not limited to photos of culture, tourism, nature, people, life, art, and other themes. The works are confined to the Asian continent. The works may be in color or monochrome and have healthy and creative content. Each photo must include the date and place of the shot, as well as a description of the topic.
(2)Video Group: The submitted video should be around 3-5 minutes in length, with a resolution of 1920*1080 or above, a frame rate of 29.97fps is recommended, it shall be in the following formats: mp4, AVI, wma, rmvb, rm, mid, and the subject matter should be restricted to Asia. Video theme: The work needs to be created around a specific topic related to Asia and needs to be indicated with descriptions of the shooting time, location, and topic.
*In principle, one person shall not win more than once in this event.

📌Prizes setting

Grand Prize, First Prize, Second Prize, Consolation Prize and Non-Aisan Prize will be set up and awarded to 88 winners.
2 Grand Prize winners will be awarded trophies, certificates and souvenirs;
10 First Prize winners will be awarded certificates and souvenirs;
20 Second Prize winners will be awarded certificates and souvenirs;
50 Consolation Prize winners will be awarded certificates and souvenirs;
3 Non-Aisan Prize winners will be awarded certificates and souvenirs;
5 Internet Popularity Prize winners will be awarded certificates and souvenirs.

📌Instructions for Authors

1.The submitted works must be created entirely by the participating team/individual and must retain full copyright;
2.If disputes arise over the work’s copyright, trademark rights, reputation rights, or any other legal rights or interests, the submitting team/person should bear the related repercussions and losses;
3.By submitting the works, the owner(s) of the works agree that the sponsor and organizer have the right to use and edit the works for public promotion and exhibition;
4.No signatures, seals, or any other identifying marks are allowed on any part of the participating works;
5.The final interpretation right of this event belongs to the Ministry of Culture and Tourism of the People’s Republic of China.
The activity is sponsered by the Bureau of International Exchange and Cooperation, Ministry of Culture and Tourism of the People’s Republic of China.

If you have any problem with the entry submission, please contact and send relevant materials to the email address: [email protected] 。

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