“天涯共此时 · 中秋艺起Fun” 灯笼DIY竞赛,成绩公布!

2020 “天涯共此时 · 中秋艺起Fun” 灯笼DIY竞赛推出后,在短短的三周内,主办单位共收到88份来自全马各地的参赛作品。由于反应热烈,参赛作品优秀,主办单位特增设15份【鼓励奖】及两份【团体奖】,以资奖励。恭喜所有得奖者!落选者也不要灰心,您的参与和作品,给这中秋佳节增添了不少气氛!谢谢您的支持!所有参赛者将获颁发证书。再次恭贺!
We are excited to announce the winners of “Mid-Autumn Festival 2020 – DIY Creative Lantern Contest”. We have received 88 entries within three weeks! Due to overwhelming response, China Cultural Centre in Kuala Lumpur has decided to add two more awards to its contest, there are “Encouragement Awards” and “Team Excellence Awards” to show our sincere appreciation. A big thank you to everyone who participated in the contest. Don’t get disappointed if you are not on the list, your participation is highly appreciated! Thank you for the awesome and beautiful DIY lanterns. All participants will receive a certificate of participation.  Congratulations!


“ Beautiful Ancient Capital, Amazing Nanjing”  Short Essay Contest
The Release of Award-winning Works of 2020″ Beautiful Ancient Capital , Amazing Nanjing” Short Essay Contest