Calligraphy is one of China’s unique traditional arts. Chinese characters (Hanzi) were the creation of the working class. It started with drawings to record events. After several thousand years of development, it had evolved into its contemporary form of characters. With the invention of “maobi” (Chinese Calligraphy brush pen) as the writing implement or tool by their ancestors, it had led to the formation of calligraphy.

Course Description

Calligraphy Class for Adult

Teaching Focus

Through learning about the characteristics of “KAISHU” calligraphy, this course will introduce the method of copying calligraphy, analyze the stroke, character shape, and word structure rules.

Course Information

  1. Date: 18/02/2025(Tuesday)
  2. Intake: Minimum 5 pax with a limit of 10 pax for each class
  3. Session: 90 min. each lesson 
  4. Duration: 12 weeks 
  5. Registration is available for ages 13 and above
Click for enquiries



-Founder of the Clarity Art Center
-Researcher at the Central Research Academy of Art, Malaysia
-Member of the Huizhou Chinese Painting Society, China

I want to enrol

Teaching Focus

With in class one-to-one instructive learning, the teacher imparts knowledge & skill in learning, writing and prose writing in calligraphy.

Mr Wong Ho

– Advisor of The Calligraphy Society of Malaysia
– Visiting Professor of the Qigong Academy of Beijing Normal University
– Judges for domestic and International Chinese Calligraphy Competitions
– National instructor of secondary & primary school teachers & calligraphy
– A founder of Chinese Ink Painting Society, Malaysia

Advanced Calligraphy Class