“战疫故事 从我说起”海内外少年儿童云故事会

Online Story Club for Children around the World
Fighting Covid-19 – My Story
Seeking “Little Cultural Ambassadors”







The Covid-19 is a serious crisis for the entire world, and a daunting challenge. Overcoming the epidemic has become the common expectation of the international community. We grieve for those who have been killed in the fight, extend the greatest respect to those who are struggling to save lives, and offer true moral support to those who are infected.

Cooperating with media organizations, we will launch a series of displays online, build an international communication platform for children. The children expressed their respect for heroes in the fight, their yearning for victory in the battle against the pandemic, and joined the chorus of fraternity and solidarity in the fight against the pandemic.

Join us! You can be Top Ten Little Cultural Ambassador! Or Excellent Little Cultural Ambassador !

Children who have won the title of Little Cultural Ambassador will be awarded the honorary certificates, and will have the opportunity to participate in the international celebrations for kids held in Beijing.

参赛条件  Entry Requirements


We are collecting stories, and children’s worksfor kids 8-14 years oldfrom Malaysia. 

作品呈交  Work Submission

请于 7月30日 前提交视频,说出马来西亚怎样战疫,说出你心目中的战疫英雄,说出你为战疫做了什么,说出战疫合作故事。以你的语言讲战疫故事, 与世界各国、各地区小伙伴相会于云上,构建人类卫生健康共同体!

Submit a short Video Online before July 30, 2020. Tell us: How your country is fighting Covid-19; Your hero; Your part in the fight; the cooperation in the fight. Your Story – in Your Language. Meet  Children all over the world in cyberspace, build a Global Community of Health for all!

提交材料  Requested Materials 

Application form(scroll to the end and download).

Story script (500-800 words).

The video recorded according to the script.

参加者请于北京时间7月30日20:00之前将报名表、故事脚本、视频发送到邮箱[email protected],邮件以 “国家(地区)+学校+姓名+题目” 命名。
Submissions should be sent to the email address [email protected] before July 30th, 2020. The subject of the email shall be in the form of “country (district) –school –name -title”.


   发送至邮箱[email protected]
   Email to [email protected]

     Starting today until 30th July, 20:00




点击按钮下载表格 Click the button and download the Application form:

云故事会报名表格下载 Application form