“2020美丽古都 惊喜南京” 图文竞赛,等你来参与!

“Beautiful Ancient Capital, Amazing Nanjing”Photo and Short Text Contest

简介   Introduction

为了让马来西亚民众更多了解南京的历史文化、人文风情、名胜古迹,吉隆坡中国文化中心携手南京文旅(东南亚)推广中心举办2020美丽古都 惊喜南京”图文竞赛


In order to let Malaysians know more about Nanjing’s history and culture, cultural customs and historical sites, China Cultural Centre Kuala Lumpur (CCCKL) and Nanjing Tourism Southeast Asia Promotion Centre hold the “2020 Beautiful Ancient Capital Surprise Nanjing” photo and short text contest.

Wonderful activity, awaiting for you to participate in!

作品呈交  Work Submission

请于 10月21日 (星期三)前用中文简体或英文按照比赛规则及流程提交竞赛图片及短文。


Please submit your photos and essays in Simplified Chinese or English before October 21, 2020. The contestant needs to submit a picture of Nanjing and give the reason why you love it within 150 words including title and punctuations.

参赛条件  Entry conditions

1. 参赛资格:马来西亚公民或在马外国公民(有长期居留签证);
   Eligibility: Malaysian or Foreign Nationals (with Long-Term Residence Visa);

2. 参赛文字:中文或英文;
    Entry text: Chinese or English;

3. 活动时间:2020年9月22日至10月21日。
    Contest Period: 22 September 2020 until 21 October 2020.


参赛规则 Rules of Contest

1. 提交一张南京旅游景点、人文风情、城市风貌等图片(来源不限),用不超过150字(含标题和标点符号)来说明你喜欢这张图片的原因,然后填写参赛表格;
  Submit a picture (from any source) of Nanjing’s tourist attractions, cultural customs, urban scenery,etc. with no more than 150 words (including title and punctuation) to explain why you like the picture, and then fill in the entry form;

2. 扫码“吉隆坡中国文化中心”官方面子书或微信公众号,点赞“like”并关注“Follow”,然后截图(Snapshot )保存;
   Scan the Official Facebook or WeChat Official Accounts of “China Cultural Centre in Kuala Lumpur”, thumb up “like” and click  “Follow”, and then save the Snapshot;


信息  Information

 Until 21st Oct 2020.


发送至邮箱 E-mail to:
[email protected]


主办单位 Organizer :



媒体合作伙伴   Media Partner :




Official Facebook of “China Cultural Centre in Kuala Lumpur”

WeChat Official Accounts of “China Cultural Centre in Kuala Lumpur”

3. 扫码“南京文旅”以及“马中透视”(Malaysia-China Insight)两个微信公众号,关注并在朋友圈分享比赛通知,然后截图(Snapshot )保存;
  Scan the two WeChat Official Accounts of “Nanjing Tourism” and “Malaysia-China Insight”, follow and share the notification of the contest on your WeChat moments, and then save the Snapshot;

南京文旅   Nanjing Tourism

马中透视   Malaysia-China Insight


4. 将上述1-3项内容连同参赛表格一起电邮给主办方:[email protected]
  Email the Snapshots of step 1-3 above, together with the entry form organizers to [email protected];

5. 参赛者不得向第三方泄露作品内容,如发现抄袭或作品类同,主办方有权取消其参赛资格;
  Contestants shall not disclose the contents of their works to any third party. If plagiarism or similar works are found, the organizer has the right to disqualify them from the contest.

6. 主办方对比赛规则和内容等有最终的解释权。
   The organizer has the final right to interpret the rules and contents of the contest.

Upon completion of all above-mentioned steps, your application is only then deemed as successful.

奖项 Prizes

1st Prize x 1  : Gaochun Ceramics Tea Set (1 teapot + 2 cups)

2nd Prize x 2: Nanjing Gold Leaf Decoration

3rd Prize x 3: Nanjing Yunjin Brocade Wallet

Consolation Prize x 50 : Jasmine Pie

点击按钮下载表格 Click the button and download the Application form:

2020 “美丽古都 惊喜南京” 图文竞赛参赛表格
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